Thursday, 2 April 2009

Sneaky Peak

I peaked a look on the old scales when I got home from work and it's showing a loss of 1.5lbs so far. I'm thinking of sneaky ways to lose an extra 1lb by Friday but it doesn't look likely. I've been trying to cut down on those dirty carbs and I have stayed away from alcohol and take-aways. I also played 40 minutes of squash on Monday; fingers crossed this will have made a difference.

I've started going through the wardrobe to find clothes for Las Vegas; I tried on some of my summer clothes from last year and they were actually loose! This was really reassuring as it means I am now lighter than I was a year ago; last summer I could only wear my shorts with the button undone and now they are too big. I figure I must have lost a dress size. I went up to a size 20 for six months or so and now I am back to a comfortable size 18 (in New Look, Dorethy Perkins, and Debenhams sizes anyway).

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